Send Christmas Cards

I love giving gifts.

As a field worker, I had to be creative in figuring out how to get gifts to my family back home. Sometimes, this meant sending gifts months in advance with someone who happened to be heading back to the US. The kind courier would go to the post office and mail the package on my behalf.

I also love receiving gifts.

Which is why, my second Christmas on the field, I cried for a week when the package my parents sent got lost in the mail. That Christmas, the only gifts I opened were a little box of Tic Tacs from a child on my team and a gift from my Secret Santa teammate: a skirt that was far too short for me.

Not everybody feels as passionately as I do about gifts. However, every field worker would love to receive something—even a simple card—at Christmas time. At a cost of just over $1, the postage goes a long way in delivering holiday cheer to a place where your worker’s team may very well be the only ones celebrating Jesus’ birth.

You may also consider encouraging your worker with an additional, special financial gift. Such a gift will bless them during a time when many workers are examining the state of their finances at the year’s end. To give a special gift, visit, or call Partner Services at 1-800-462-8436.