Sending Beauty from Home

I live in a desert land, among a people whose have several words to describe the various hues of brown. The homes, the rocks, the people, the ground … everything was some shade of cocoa, beige, or mahogany.

But the people also have only one word for green and blue. Their desert simply did not have enough of these colors to merit a vocabulary involving sea foam, hazel, or sage.

I appreciate the desert’s beauty, but I miss the green of home. I grew up in a valley covered in orchards. Trees and mountains are part of my heart language.

Which is why, every December, I look forward to receiving a precious memento from home—a photo calendar put together by a friend and supporter. This friend is an avid hiker and a masterful photographer. His calendar features my home at its peak in every season: orchards in bloom, towering mountains covered in snow, fall colors, streams bubbling through the forest.

Are you a gifted photographer? Or do you have a love for beautiful landscapes? Share it with a field worker who is persevering in a foreign land. Your beautiful cards and photographs will be enjoyed and cherished, perhaps for years.